What's the difference between charity and justice? This is a very interesting and moving question. Check out what Bono had to say last week at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C.
-Watch Bono's Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast.-Read the transcript.I have read or listened to just about everything Bono has written, said or sung in the last 20 years. This speech may the best thing I have ever heard come out of his mouth. If this speech moves you the way it did me, and you want to take action, consider joining the
ONE campaign to make poverty history.
I appreciate Bono for his music, but even more for his message, rather God's message, that he proclaims so boldly.
As good as Bono's influence is for righteous causes, I would be cautious to call him God's spokesperson... a man who is a relativist at best and possibly a universalist. Apparently for Bono, Jesus is just one way among many. Read this and weep with me: www.relevantmagazine.com/pc_article.php?id=7089
I appreciate your opinion Brett. I read Tara's article when it came out and really disagreed with her. I saw U2 perform live four times this year and never once thought that Bono was promoting the ideas and beliefs that led to Tara's conclusions. Check out the Relevant podcast from that week and you'll hear even more opinions. That article stirred a lot of people up, and it reminded me to continue to pray for Bono and other believers who have such great influence in our present culture.