Reflections on my life from my perspective.

Unstructured Time


I've been up in Tulsa the last few days for a little unstructured time. It has been nice to see our great friends that we have in Tulsa. I love being back in Texas, but I do kinda miss Tulsa.

We are getting ready for great Easter service at church this Sunday. And then our true grand opening is April 3, along with the kick-off of our small groups. God is continually blessing our new little church and bring more new people our way. What a joy.

March Madness


Not much time to blog these days. I'm just too busy sitting on the couch, watching the NCAA Tournament. Hated to see Texas lose, but kinda expeced it. I'm picking North Carolina to win it all after beating Oklahoma State in the championship game. Enjoy the "Madness"!!

Whose your pick to be the big winner this year?

Remembering Stanley Granz


Saddly, Stanley Grenz, an outstanding author and theologian who authored A Primer on Postmodernism, Theology for the Community of God, Renewing the Center, and Beyond Foundationalism (co-written with John Franke), and spoke and Emergent events, passed away on Saturday.

HERE are some thoughts on Stan from Brian McLaren.

Stan was very important and influential to many younger postmodern ministers, like myself, who struggle to engage the gospel and the culture. He will be dearly remebered and greatly missed.

Thoughts on Church


From my friend Wade's blog....

"The danger with the shopping mall approach to church is that by catering first to the needs of the individual by providing highly specialized experiences for kids, students, adults, moderns, postmoderns, or whatever, we actually could be reinforcing the very consumer-driven mentality that keeps shopping malls in business. If a church starts to resemble the shopping mall too much, then it will be virtually impossible for the average attender/member to think of the gospel as anything other than God’s plan for meeting my individual needs."



Saw Hitch tonight with Shannon and our friends Chad & Ginger. Good movie. Will Smith is funny and Kevin James (from King of Queens) had me cracking up. It's a great look at relationships, authenticity, honesty and communication, and oh yea, some sweet dancin'. The website, with lots of info on dating, is definately worth a look.

I Love the Roundabout


I must admit I have a deep love for the roundabout. If you have never experienced one, you must try it. Not far from our house is an intersection, but instead of the typical stoplight or 4-way stop sign, there's this circle thing. You can drive into and then turn off onto one of the other streets whenever you want. No stop signs, no lights, just yields. It's great. There's a cool mutual understanding between everyone traveling the roundabout. Each person taking their time moving in and moving out, and everyone working together to help everyone else get where they are trying to go. The roundabout is cool!

About me



  • 12.2002
  • 01.2003
  • 02.2003
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  • 12.2003
  • 01.2004
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  • 03.2007
  • 05.2007

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